
This is the first part of a combined theory of autism and general intelligence (IQ). It is argued that general impairment of gene-expression, produced by a diversity of environmental and genetic causes, is in moderation advantageous in suppressing genetic idiosyncracies. But in excess it will produce a condition involving abnormalities of appearance and behaviour, with a particular relationship to high parental social class and IQ and with particular sex distributions. Characteristics and findings relating to schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness, or neuroses indicate that they cannot reasonably be considered manifestations of excessive general impairment of gene-expression. By contrast, characteristics and findings relating to autism accord very well with this conception. The suggestion is that autism involves primary abnormalities in diverse parts of the brain and in diverse psychological functions. By this means are explained not only the diverse behavioural abnormalities but also such peculiarities as the physical characteristics and the differential distributions of autistic subcategories with respect to social class and sex. Random binding to DNA may be a substantial agent of general impairment of gene-expression.

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