
Abstract Using Prospective Evaluation Synthesis (PES) - a theory based evaluation method - and spatial distribution analysis of the young NEETs population in correlation with demographic and economic indicators at European, national, regional and county level, the research is looking for evidence on the factors influencing both the labour market (request and demand) and the success of active labour market policies (ALMPs) in increasing young NEETs employability and decreasing their number. Taking into account that Romania has the lower rate of registration of young NEETs to the Public Employment Services and that most of the active labour market measures are targeting only registered NEETs, the article reviews all Romanian policies designed to target young NEETs and finds they have limited impact. It also analyses the number of young NEETs, the regional disparities and county level disparities and it finds no correlation between the economic strength of the county and the presence of the NEETs. Considering the characteristics of young NEETs in Romania: their education level, their previous work experience (in average), their family responsibilities, the percentage of registered young NEETs and comparing Romanian policies with successful policies in other countries with similar profile of young NEETs the article concludes that in order to be effective, the tools planned and applied need to be highly customised and their success is still dependent on natural economic dynamics. However, further research is needed to determine the economic indicators with a positive effect over the young NEETs employability.

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