
Despite the central role of microorganisms in the decomposition of dead organic matter, few models have integrated the dynamics of litter chemistry with microbial interactions. Here we propose a functional resolution of the microbial community that parallels the commonly used chemical characterization of plant litter, i.e., a guild of opportunist microorganisms that grows quickly and has high affinity for soluble substrates, a guild of decomposer specialists that grows more slowly and has high affinity for holocellulose substrates, and a guild of miners that grows very slowly and is specialized for degrading lignin. This guild-based decomposition model (GDM) includes the interactions of holocellulose and lignin, manifest as mutual feedback controls on microbial-based activities. It also includes N limitations on early stages of litter decay resulting from nutritional demands of microorganisms and N inhibition on late stages of litter decay resulting from reduced lignin degradation. Competitive interaction...

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