
Psychosocial frame assesment of the derivated datum of many anthropological and ethnographic studies leads us to realize that from primitives to modern man the significant struggling to survival acts of human both within nature and cultural environment is being followed smilliar psychophysical ways, and this points out that it is being functionalized not in completely different modes on the basis of cognitive and behavioral processes of human. The organization of cognitive processes which neurologically give shape to the human behavior, have being organized throughtout paralel defense mechanisms and is being processed on smilliar adaptation processes from primitive human to modern man. Here it apparently indicates that, adaptive ordinary abilities of human cognition is being “protected and preser-ved”, and this preservation mechanism is psychodynamically being processed on equivalent ways and follows paralel paths for both modern man and primitives. The major assertion of Critical Theory and Simulation postulate does not neighter denominate nor reflects the reality of psychodynamic structure of human nature by claiming that; In the consumption culture the usage of internet denaturizes and converts the behavior of individual, and modifies the aptitude and tendencies of society, by concealing the human conscious and/or corrupting some divisions of human cognition and inhibiting mental faculties. According to the proposition of Critical Theory which alleges that the preferences and the behaviors of modern man is being somehow inhibited and corrupted,and the mental capabilities of Individuals are being censored. As a matter of fact; In this study we shall poly-syntetically try to argue that how much this mentioned asertation does have proximity impacts with the reality.

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