
Cloud computing is a dynamic, scalable and payper-use distributed computing model empowering designers to convey applications amid job designation and storage distribution. Cloud computing encourages to impart a pool of virtualized computer resource empowering designers to convey applications amid job designation and storage distribution. The cloud computing mainly aims to give proficient access to remote and geographically distributed resources. As cloud technology is evolving day by day and confronts numerous challenges, one of them being uncovered is scheduling. Scheduling is basically a set of constructs constructed to have a controlling hand over the order of work to be performed by a computer system. Algorithms are vital to schedule the jobs for execution. Job scheduling algorithms is one of the most challenging hypothetical problems in the cloud computing domain area. Numerous deep investigations have been carried out in the domain of job scheduling of cloud computing. This paper intends to present the performance comparison analysis of various pre-existing job scheduling algorithms considering various parameters. This paper discusses about cloud computing and its constructs in section (i). In section (ii) job scheduling concept in cloud computing has been elaborated. In section (iii) existing algorithms for job scheduling are discussed, and are compared in a tabulated form with respect to various parameters and lastly section (iv) concludes the paper giving brief summary of the work.

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