
Textual Question Answering targets answering questions defined in natural language. Question Answering Systems offer an automated approach to procuring answers to queries expressed in natural language. The need for Multilingual Question Answering without performing machine translation is ever existing. Besides that, automating tasks with the help of technology to assist humans, has been the main aim of research in recent years. This paper presents an automated answer evaluation system for reading comprehension-based questions in the Hindi language without requiring translation in any other language. The system accepts text, question, and handwritten answer of a student in the form of an image for answer evaluation. This is accomplished by developing a textual question-answering system for reading comprehension. It is an extractive approach that utilizes RoBERTa transformer model and fine-tunes it for Hindi question-answering. The answer to the question is extracted as a span from the provided text. Further, a handwritten text recognizer model is developed employing a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network with Connectionist Temporal Classification module along with two layers of Bidirectional LSTM. Experimentation is performed using existing as well as self-created datasets to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. An accuracy of 98.69% is obtained on the self-created Hindi-QA dataset and the proposed system outperformed the other existing methods. The paper also discusses potential research directions in the field.

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