
Recently RIAZUDDIN and FAYYAZUDDIN (1) wrote down light-cone algebra for currents in the unified field theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions as proposed by SALA~ (2) and by W~INBERO (3) for the leptons and later extended by WEI~BEnO to hadrons. They used the said algebra to obtain some sum rules for the deep inelastic structure functions of ~J~-+~x in terms of e~->ex and ~2C-+~x. A distinguishing feature of this algebra in contrast with that of FRITZSCH and G~LL-MANN (4) is the appearance of weak neutral currents corresponding to the neutral massive vector boson Z. The strangeness-changing (AS ~ 0 ) part of the current is eliminated by incorporating the four-quark model of GLASH0W, ILLIOPOULOUS and MAIA~I (5). Assuming that the AS = 0 weak neutral current is not ruled out by the present experimental situation, we propose here the study of the deep inelastic semi-inclusive Z-production process e2Y'-+ eZx. This provides a circumstance where the cross-section is determined by a commutator of two commutators of local currents and therefore tests the bilocal algebra on the light-cone. Denoting the four-momenta of the initial electron, nucleon, final electron, detected neutral vector boson Z and the unobserved (~ anything,> by k l , p , b2, b, P , respectively, we introduce the invariant variables

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