
A temporal logic model (TLM) for real-time program synchronization and verification is developed and illustrated on a practical example. To this end, a real-time program is first described as an abstract concept. The abstract model is built using a first-order temporal logic and as a consequence a real-time program is modelled by a set of temporal logic formulae. Based on TLM, real-time programs will be viewed as a sequence of states which will be “fired” by discrete events. Using this approach TLM will be used for the analysis of the reachability property of the states of a real-time program. Using further this property the composition of two independent real-time programs will be defined and developed. As a result of this analysis the synchronization of two or more subprocesses belonging to the same program, can be defined in and analyzed subsequently. The same analysis can be used for the verification of real-time programs.

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