
days it is very tedious job to keep files for personal as well as commercial computing. There are various type of compressing technique used, but one step ahead from them available technique is described here. Almost every application the backend used is database. That why my technique is dedicated to this type of databases. In this proposed technique we consider every type of compression, but when comes to date and time based database, not much compression technique deals with it. For text type compression there are many techniques same for images. But here we are proposing mainly for time and date type data bases. The practical use for this compression may useful for LIC policies, Stock Exchange, Railways Reservations databases etc. It may also useful for Employees working in a firm, maintaining daily database for salary purposes like Time in and Time out. For this type of database the proposed technique will give a big amount of compressions than any other type of techniques. We have techniques regarding database compression are character, memo, number, date, time compression which can work for individual fields in a database. In this paper main concentration has been given for time compressions. We suggested one example in tabular form on that our differential and time method has been applied.

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