
AbstractWith the aid of radio‐telemetry, bushbuck home range was investigated to determine total home range size, home range utilization and home range overlap for the summer season. Estimates of total home range size for males using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernels (FKs) were 33.9 and 32.1 ha, respectively. Estimates of total home range size for females using MCPs and FKs were 12.0 and 13.5 ha, respectively. A significant difference between total home range sizes for male and female was found but there was no significant difference for age (adult and subadult). Female bushbuck home range size was compared to that expected from the published allometric relationship for the scaling of home range area on body mass, where the study animals appeared to have home ranges of half of that predicted. Bushbuck typically utilized one core area within their home ranges in which 50% of their time was spent in approximately 17.0% and 11.7% of their total home range for males and females, respectively. A substantial overlap in total home range and core areas between animals was found.

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