
Abstract A morphometric analysis was conducted of Echinacea Moench (Asteraceae) to measure variation between native populations for taxonomic purposes. Data were collected from living and herbarium specimens. From a matrix of 321 specimens by 74 characters, a pair-wise distance matrix was computed using Gower's coefficient. Cluster strategies were explored from the distance matrix. MODECLUS clustering separated the data into two clusters, and a flexible agglomerative clustering method separated the data into the same two clusters, which were broken into four sub-clusters. Canonical discriminant analysis gave significant support for the two- and the four-cluster solutions. Canonical discriminant analysis also showed support for eight smaller clusters identified using McGregor's 1968 classification. We recognize two subgenera and four species: Echinacea subg. Echinacea contains only E. purpurea; Echinacea subg. Pallida contains E. atrorubens, E. laevigata, and E. pallida. The revised varieties are as follow...

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