
Based on the study of type material for species of Platycoelus Blanchard, 1843 significant changes to the current taxonomy of species included in this genus is required. Psegmatopterus politissimus (White 1846) from New Zealand is found to be congeneric with Platycoelus species and so is a new combination. Platycoelus irideomicans (Tschitschérine 1890) status novum; P. caledonicus (Tschitschérine 1901) status novum; P. sulcatulus (MacLeay 1888) status novum; and P. planipennis (MacLeay 1871) status novum; each previously considered synonyms of P. poeciloides are each recognized as a distinct species. Five new species are described, four from Queensland, Australia: P. chongheeae sp. nov., type locality Iron Range National Park; P. orion sp. nov., type locality Normanton; P. brigalowphilus sp. nov., type locality Southwood National Park; and P. politus sp. nov., type locality Cooloola National Park. The fifth species described is P. hermes sp. nov., type locality Aitape, Papua New Guinea. These changes and additions bring the total number of species in the genus to 19. A key and habitus images for all species is provided as are illustrations of the male genitalia for species where male specimens were available.

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