
An assemblage of tantalite-(Mn), tantalian rutile, tapiolite-(Fe), titanowodginite, ferrotitanowodginite, and hydroxycalciomicrolite occurs in the Nancy granitic pegmatite, San Luis range, Argentina. The Nancy beryl-type, beryl–columbite–phosphate subtype of LCT (Li-Cs-Ta) rare-element pegmatite was emplaced in the Paleozoic Conlara pegmatitic field. The assemblage occurs at the core margin of the pegmatite, forming an irregularly shaped, 18 by 6 cm nodule. The chemical composition of tantalite-(Mn) shows median Ta# [= (Ta/(Ta + Nb) apfu (atoms per formula unit)] and Mn# [= (Mn/(Mn + FeT) apfu] values of 0.57 and 0.64, respectively; Ti, U and Zr show maximum and [median] contents of: 3.37 [1.25] wt.% TiO2, 0.58 [0.24] wt.% UO2, and 0.72 [0.50] wt.% ZrO2. The unit-cell parameters indicate a moderately ordered structure. Tantalian rutile occurs as anhedral grains replacing tantalite-(Mn), associated with hydroxycalciomicrolite. Its chemical composition shows moderate to high Ti contents, with a maximum and [median] of 64.77 [38.67] wt.% TiO2. The proportion of Ta is very high, with 49.67 [39.59] wt.% Ta2O5. Tapiolite-(Fe), with 82.49 [81.86] wt.% Ta2O5, 2.51 [2.33] wt.% Nb2O5, 0.94 [0.79] wt.% TiO2, and 13.31 [13.18] wt.% FeO, has uniform Ta# and Mn# values, 0.95 and 0.09, respectively. Titanowodginite shows Ta# values ranging from 0.82 to 0.88, whereas in ferrotitanowodginite it ranges from 0.88 to 0.94. The Mn# value is similar in titanowodginite (0.51–0.64), and decreases in the ferrotitanowodginite (0.04 to 0.41). These minerals form a replacement sequence of tantalite-(Mn). Hydroxycalciomicrolite occurs in two generations: I and II. The dominant A cation is Ca, with a median value of 14.39 wt.% CaO. The MnO content, with a median of 1.16 wt.% MnO, is relatively constant. The amount of UO2 is usually below 3 wt.%, but locally attains 6.9 wt.%, and exceptionally 43.6 wt.%, in irregular rims that show a low analytical total, giving compositions that depart from the expected stoichiometry; it is clearly a subsolidus phase. In the more plausible explanation for the evolution of this assemblage, the magmatic crystallization of tantalite-(Mn) was followed during the early subsolidus stage by its partial replacement by tantalian rutile + tapiolite-(Fe) + titanowodginite + ferrotitanowodginte, associated with hydroxycalciomicrolite I, and later, by hydroxycalciomicrolite II produced by the influx of a late Fe–Ti–Ca-bearing fluid phase likely entering the pegmatite from the wall rocks.

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