
We think that the article titled “National Competency Frameworks for Medical Graduates: Is it Time for the “SudanMeds”? published in the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences [1] is a timely publication. Competency-based medical education (CBME) is considered as a paradigm shift in medical education, the ultimate aim of which is the improvement of patient and society’s quality of care by training and creating highly skilled clinicians. A paradigm as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary is a situation in which the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely. The magnitude of change is so profound to the extent that it leads to a fundamental change in the approach or underlying assumptions, an example being the introduction of the Internet. Several such major “contemporary” shifts have colored the thinking processes and actions of healthcare professionals and leaders. For example, the Patient Safety Paradigm and the Evidence-based Practice Paradigm.


  • Production and Hosting by Knowledge E uates: Is it Time for the “SudanMeds”? published in the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences [1] is a timely publication

  • Competency-based medical education (CBME) is considered as a paradigm shift in medical education, the ultimate aim of which is the improvement of patient and society’s quality of care by training and creating highly skilled clinicians

  • We hereby advocate for a Systems Thinking approach for the creation of highly skilled clinicians using a CBME framework or SudanMEDS

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Production and Hosting by Knowledge E uates: Is it Time for the “SudanMeds”? published in the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences [1] is a timely publication. Published in the Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences [1] is a timely publication. Competency-based medical education (CBME) is considered as a paradigm shift in medical education, the ultimate aim of which is the improvement of patient and society’s quality of care by training and creating highly skilled clinicians.

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