
Crises are characteristic of any system, including economic entities in the process of its evolution. These usually signal the accumulation of a critical mass - of the restriction factors, the elimination or activation of which is necessary, either to prolong the reproduction process or to move to a new quality. The recent global economic crisis, related to the global pandemic situation, has made crisis management at both macro-economic and micro-economic levels one of the most important management tools to revive the critical situation globally. The crisis at all levels is always accompanied by a chronic organizational and financial instability, determining the need to develop measures that would be coherent in the new conditions of the economic environment accompanied by the political and social. The critical situation in the country's economy is confirmed by the worsening financial situation of domestic enterprises, the increase in losses, and, respectively, the number of enterprises on the verge of bankruptcy. Such a critical situation makes the issue of efficient organization of the management of the activity of enterprises in economic difficulty/crisis extremely topical. From this point of view, choosing the methods of crisis management and transforming them into an effective tool in entrepreneurship is a priority. The decisive role, in this sense, must belong to the diagnosis and financial forecasting of the dangers of crises at the enterprise by considering the factors that caused the crisis or even bankruptcy. The management of financial crises was constrained by the insufficient development of the informational-methodical base in this direction. In this context, not only the local experience but also the global one showed that the use of crisis management is quite difficult from a practical point of view, respectively, it requires an improvement and development in methodological-methodological terms, which requires evaluation of meticulous crises at the enterprise, which allows the diagnosis and prediction of crises with higher accuracy at each stage of its development.

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