
Nowadays, security and scheduling are the most crucial aspects of each distributed real-time application due to the rapidly enhanced use of such applications. This study presents a systematic literature review (SLR) on security and scheduling techniques for real-time applications in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments and to identify areas that need more attention for a wide range of applicability of real-time applications. The search procedure identified 3162 articles, and 103 best relevant articles are selected based on quality assessment scores for a brief review and discussions with the area experts or academicians. This study considers articles with a quality assessment score of more than five for a brief review. Hence, the applications related to security, scheduling, load balancing, fixed priority, task, job, and packet scheduling, and deadline constraints of soft and hard real-time systems in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments as per the state-of-the-art have been discussed. This discussion provides a better understanding of the real-time applications. The survey thus, aims to present the improvements in real-time task scheduling with security constraints in different distributed computing environments. The SLR also highlights various real-time task scheduling algorithms/techniques including the role of security. This SLR also provides meaningful and valuable study to the researchers by providing brief studies of various real-time task scheduling algorithms and security needs in tabular form.

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