
Background-Dadruis one of the type of Kustharogas. It is a disease of Raktavahastrotas(channel). The Dosha predominance in Dadru is Kapha-Pitta. It exhibits clinical features of Kandu, Raga, Pidika ,Utsanna Mandala. On basis of clinical features Dadruis similated with Tinea by many scholars. Tinea is superficial fungal infection in which the fungi colonises dead keratinized epidermal tissues of skin, hair and nails and produces annular lesions over skin surface.It can managed by specific Shodhan(purification) and Shaman(conservative) therapy which form pillars of Ayurveda treatment. Fungal infections occupy a major component among skin diseases , and currently up to 21% of the world’s population may be infected by Ringworm alone. Therefore it is necessary to find a solution for it through Ayurveda. Thus the aim of the study is to review and discuss various measures for Ayurvedic management of Dadrukushtha (Tinea). Material and Methods- The classical texts of Ayurveda and modern medicine, Journals and Research articles from Google scholar, Pubmed, etc were selected for study. Conclusion- Dadrucan be managened effectively by Lepachikitsa that is local application of various medicated herbs. It is a relapsing disease and long term therapy is required.

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