
Developed nations put a lot of emphasis on scientific research and produce an enormous volume of avant-garde papers in impactful journals. These publications could serve as the foundation for different policies or other designs. The researchers in this study aimed to use a quantitative bibliometric strategy to analyze the development of Indian periodontists' publishing patterns in the PubMed database up to October 31, 2022. Publications that could be accessed through the PubMed database as of the end of October 2022 were included in the bibliometric study. By using certain search terms on the PubMed search engine, studies were found. Dental, periodontal, gingival, gingivitis, periodontal, periodontitis, and dental implants were among the terms used to find this article. To evaluate articles that are specifically about India, a parallel search was conducted with the following phrases together with "India." Selected parameters were examined in all papers, whether they had or lacked abstracts. Seven studies were selected which were in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this study. According to the keyword search, India contributes an average of 5.65% of each keyword category to the PubMed database, since the total number of search results on PubMed for the seven keywords we entered was 1,037,584, and the same keywords when searched by adding the keyword "India" to the keyword generated a total of 58,624. Since the beginning of the last decade, India has recorded tremendous growth in all spheres of scientific literature publication, and the field of periodontics is no exception. Through the PubMed database, Indian periodontists have made a significant contribution to world literature, especially over the past 10 years, with the number of publications increasing nearly exponentially with each passing year.

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