
Releasing students on leaving school times is a process that requires full attention. In some kindergarten schools, private or public, it is possible to find a specific professional to carry out this mission, however, it is not uncommon to see teachers or even other servers performing this service. Regardless of who is responsible, releasing a student to an unauthorized person or even a stranger represents a terrible security breach for educational institutions. This error can generate trauma and sequelae for the life of the student and their family members. Thus, this work presents a system to help kindergarten schools in the task of controlling students when they leave school. For system validation, we consider the implementation of a prototype integrated with RFID and biometrics (fingerprint) technologies. Three scenarios were considered in order to demonstrate the functioning of the system. The results show that it is possible to control the release of students when they leave school, simplifying the future implementation of integrated security protocols in a teaching unit.

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