
me at some school. In my youth I had the good fortune to be a teacher in Santiago de Chile and a few years ago I revisited the scene of my (I say crimes advisedly, for I taught English, my chief qualification being that I spoke English) and the reunion with students of 30 years previously was warm enough to convince the most skeptical that it is the relationship between student and teacher which constitutes our reward rather than elegance of the surroundings or the size of the paycheck. Another motive for satisfaction on being president of the organization of teachers of Spanish and Portuguese in the United States and Canada, as distinguished from teachers of other subjects, derives from the fact that as an organization it is one of the most progressive, whether compared with other languages or with wholly different disciplines. That it is more progressive can be demonstrated by several ways, not the least of which is your eagerness to explore new pathways to effective teaching or the extent of your support of the AATSP. This is not the place to inquire into the reasons for such a flattering state of affairs but I wish to introduce recognition of it into the rec rd with the suggestion that it is not un-connec ed with the caliber of officers you have been accustomed to choose-until the election of December, 1961, that is.

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