
A more conventional realization of a symmetry which had been proposed towards the solution of cosmological constant problem is considered. In this study the multiplication of the coordinates by the imaginary number $i$ in the literature is replaced by the multiplication of the metric tensor by minus one. This realization of the symmetry as well forbids a bulk cosmological constant and selects out $2(2n+1)$ dimensional spaces. On contrary to its previous realization the symmetry, without any need for its extension, also forbids a possible cosmological constant term which may arise from the extra dimensional curvature scalar provided that the space is taken as the union of two $2(2n+1)$ dimensional spaces where the usual 4-dimensional space lies at the intersection of these spaces. It is shown that this symmetry may be realized through spacetime reflections that change the sign of the volume element. A possible relation of this symmetry to the E-parity symmetry of Linde is also pointed out.

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