
Objectives: System capacity has become a major concern while machine-to-machine (M2M) traffic evacuation has become a paramount interest due to the traffic congestion as well as overloading at the radio access and core network of the human-to-human (H2H) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication framework of the 5G network. We therefore review the various solutions to the evacuation of M2M traffic with the aim of eliminating the said congestion. Methods/Statistical Analysis: We review various technologies including the low range radio technologies, and the long range wide area technologies available for internet of things (IoT) traffic otherwise called M2M traffic for decongesting the network and alleviating the M2M communication degradation effect on H2H communication. We also considered the application of massive MIMO in Heterogeneous networks for massive evacuation of the M2M traffic leading to greater separation of the H2H and M2M traffic and the eventual reduction of the network congestion. Findings: The application of massive MIMO for backhauling in macro cells for M2M traffic evacuation and which also provides 40 per cent capacity improvement via small cells placed indoor in a spatial densification heterogeneous network (HetNet) was considered as a good option for solving the above problems. Application/Improvement: A comprehensive survey on the use of the various techniques for traffic evacuation was not presented in the literature which we achieved in this paper.

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