
Data Analytics is widely used in many industries and organization to make a better Business decision. By applying analytics to the structured and unstructured data the enterprises brings a great change in their way of planning and decision making. Sentiment analysis (or) opinion mining plays a significant role in our daily decision making process. These decisions may range from purchasing a product such as mobile phone to reviewing the movie to making investments — all the decisions will have a huge impact on the daily life. Sentiment Analysis is dealing with various issues such as Polarity Shift, accuracy related issues, Binary Classification problem and Data sparsity problem. However various methods were introduced for performing sentiment analysis, still that are not efficient in extracting the sentiment features from the given content of text. Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Maximum Entropy are the machine learning algorithms used for sentiment analysis which has only a limited sentiment classification category ranging between positive and negative. Especially supervised and unsupervised algorithms have only limited accuracy in handling polarity shift and binary classification problem. Even though the advancement in sentiment Analysis technique there are various issues still to be noticed and make the analysis not accurately and efficiently. So this paper presents the survey on various sentiment Analysis methodologies and approaches in detailed. This will be helpful to earn clear knowledge about sentiment analysis methodologies. At last the comparison is made between various paper's approach and issues addressed along with the metrics used.

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