
Menopause is a universal phenomenon and an unavoidable physiological transition process in a women’s life, which marks the end of women’s reproductive capacity. It is caused by the depletion of ovarian function followed by the cessation of menstruation. In Ayurveda literature, the term Rajonivṛtti (menopause) is used for menopause and it considered as a sign of aging or Jarā. As a result of change in hormones after menopause certain psychological and biological changes affect women’s health and degrade her quality of life. Ācāryā Vāgbhaṭa had mentioned that in Kaphaprakṛti (body type) individual, and women who are having a habit of taking ghee (Vātapitta Prasamana - pacify Vata Pitta humors) and milk ( Jeevaniya), and who are having a pleasant mind in those subjects the Ārtava (menstruation) retains long . The aim of the study was to assess the menopausal symptoms that is mentioned in the menopausal rating scale (MRS) in relation to Prakruti of an individual. For that a survey study is conducted in 250 menopausal women in Sakthikulangara village (Kollam district) who satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was observed that out of the 11 menopausal symptoms 9 symptoms shows statistically significant association with Vātapittaprakṛti.

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