
The current studies centered around the education system have shown dwindling levels of attention from the stu-dents. While the education system has established the globally well-received lecture system, abysmal student attention retention reports are alarming. According to these new findings and reports, the modern education system cannot engage students, especially when higher education is concerned. We have serious games as a possible solution to increase engagement and help students and scholars have a more exciting learning experi-ence. However, designing serious games in a way that they can serve both their educational and entertainment purpose can be extremely difficult. After achieving this feat, they must appeal to a vast audience if we consider them an alternative to conventional education. In this review paper, we analyze the effects of multiple projects that use adaptive AI to achieve this feat, all of which are tailored towards students and scholars and, more importantly, developed by a collective of institutes or governments. Furthermore, this paper reviews some of the notable methods and possible solutions to achieve adaptability in serious games. By the end of this paper, we show the importance and effectiveness of an adaptive AI in serious games in order to solve the issues of our modern education system.

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