
Cloud computing is recognized as one of the prominent and rapid growing technologies in this contemporary world. Cloud allows the users to store the data without any physical infrastructure and it provides access to the users over the internet anywhere and at any time without harming its accuracy and reliability. However, on the other hand storing data in the cloud creates an inconvenience to the users by creating security issues like data integrity, privacy & availability in cloud. Security exists as one of the recent research challenges in the cloud. The data stored on the cloud can be hacked and altered by any person and sometimes even the data can be deleted by the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for his own personal benefit. So, there exist many solutions to solve the security issues in the cloud. Data auditing is found as one of the popular approach to provide integrity and privacy using Third Party Auditor (TPA). In this paper, pros and cons of six different data auditing schemes are discussed along with the results.

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