
This paper deals with the tidings of cryptography in history, how it has played a vital role in World War -1, World War-2. It also deals with the Substitution, Transposition Cryptographic techniques and Steganography principles which can be used to maintain the confidentiality of computerized and none computerized information files. A number of well known techniques have been adapted for computer usage including the Ceaser cipher, Mono alphabetic cipher, Homophonic substitution, Bale cipher, Play fair cipher, Poly alphabetic cipher, Vigenere Cipher, Onetime pad cipher, Vernam ciphers, Play Color Cipher and usage of rotor machine in Substitutions, Rail fence technique, more complex permutations for more secure transposition and some Steganography principle were briefly discussed with merits and demerits. Finally it gives the broad knowledge on almost all the cryptographic and Steganography principles where a reader or scholar have lot of scope for updating or invention of more secure algorithms to fulfill the global needs in information security.

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