
In past few years an explosive growth is observed in internet and still not constant. At the same time this growth have come severe congestion problems. While there is no universal definition of congestion but the definitions and researchers conclude that any such event that consequence the degradation of performance and denial of services is congestion. The network which governs the communication must be congestion free to overcome the queuing delay, packet loss or blocking of new connection. To compensate packet loss some protocols use fast retransmission scheme but suffer problem of Congestion collapse. Congestion collapse means the bandwidth is available but the network becomes under-utilize. When a network is in such condition, since the network is under-utilize and the demand is high, both lead to worst throughput. The network in this situation experience high level of loss and delayed packet. This results in need for better algorithms, protocol implementations scheme(s) and efficient network devices with sufficient space (storage), because the reason behind the Network Congestion problem lies in transport protocol implementations. The obvious looking way to implement a Protocol sometimes results in wrong response to the network. The algorithms in this category are rooted in the idea that the condition of packet conservation must not violet. This paper is a survey of congestion control algorithms in packet switched networks.

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