
A network of linked devices that can gather, process, and exchange data is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). It delivers several benefits such as convenience, efficiency and automation. However, IoT also poses significant security concerns that necessity to be describe like the heterogeneity and diversity of IoT devices with different hardware, software and communication protocols. Now a days the large scale and complexity of IoT systems, which may involve multiple stakeholders, domains and layers. The limited resources and capabilities of IoT devices, which may affect their ability to perform security functions such as encryption, authentication and update. The vital and evolving features of IoT environments, which may introduce new threats and vulnerabilities over time. These challenges require novel and holistic approaches to ensure that privacy and security of IoT systems and its users. With the develop of security standards and best practices for IoT devices and systems it should include Implementation of security by design and security by default principles for IoT development and deployment by adopting risk-based and adaptive security mechanisms for IoT management, operation and enhanced security awareness and education among IoT users and stakeholders.

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