
This paper is a survey of research on microcellular techniques. Of particular interest are those techniques that are appropriate for realization by modern batch-fabrication processes, since the rapid emergence of reliable and economical batch-fabricated components represents probably the most important current trend in the field of digital circuits. First the manufacturing methods for batch-fabricated components are reviewed, and the advantages to be realized from the application of the principles of cellular logic design are discussed. Also two categorizations of cellular arrays are made in terms of the complexity of each cell (only low-complexity cells are considered) and in terms of the various application areas. After a survey of very early techniques that can be viewed as exemplifying cellular approaches, modern-day cellular arrays are discussed on the basis of whether they are fixed cell-function arrays or variable cell-function arrays. In the fixed cell-function arrays the switching function produced by each cell is fixed; the cell parameters are used only in the modification of the interconnection structure. Several versions of NOR gate arrays, majority gate arrays, adder arrays, and others are reviewed in terms of synthesis techniques and array growth rates. Similarly, the current status of research is summarized in variable cell-function arrays, where not only the interconnection structure but also the function produced by each cell is determined by parameter selection. These arrays include various general function cascades, outpoint arrays, and cobweb arrays, for example. Again, the various cell types that have been considered are pointed out, as well as synthesis procedures and growth rates appropriate for them. Finally, several areas requiring further research effort are summarized. These include the need for more realistic measures of array growth rates, the need for synthesis techniques for multiple-function arrays and programmable arrays, and the need for fault-avoidance algorithms in integrated structures.

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