
This comprehensive survey delves into the integration and application of Large Language Models (LLMs) within the tourism sector, a domain ripe with potential for transformative AI-driven enhancements. As tourism increasingly embraces digital innovation, LLMs stand at the forefront of this evolution, offering sophisticated solutions for personalized travel experiences, multilingual communication, and the preservation of cultural heritage. This paper systematically explores the multifaceted roles of LLMs in tourism, from generating dynamic travel itineraries and culturally rich site descriptions to providing real-time assistance and multilingual support for global travelers. Through an analysis of current implementations and potential applications, we highlight both the remarkable opportunities presented by LLMs and the significant challenges, including data privacy concerns, cultural sensitivity, and the need for real-time processing capabilities. The findings underscore the imperative for a balanced approach that harnesses the capabilities of LLMs while addressing ethical considerations and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in global tourism. This survey aims to provide a foundational understanding for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, guiding future innovations and fostering a responsible integration of AI technologies in enhancing the global tourism experience.

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