
There have been quite a number of books on general comparative syntax in the last few years. To mention but a few, there are Comrie (I98 I), Mallinson & Blake (I98I) (cf. Lehmann, I984 a, for discussion), Givon (I984), Foley & Van Valin (I984). The present work differs from these both by its size and by its purpose, which is, according to the introduction, 'to do a cross-linguistic survey of syntactic and morphological structure that can serve as a manual for field workers, and for anyone interested in relating observations about particular languages to a general theory of language' (i). It is this claim against which the merits of the work have to be measured. The titles of the three volumes are: I, Clause structure; II, Complex constructions: III, Grammatical categories and the lexicon. Each volume has a bibliography of its own, with considerable overlap between them. Each volume contains an identical copy of the acknowledgements, the list of abbreviations and the subject index.

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