
The main aim of this survey was to assess the prevalence of common ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders in the rural India. After initial screening of the patients at the primary health center, a week long camp was organized in a district where entire population resides in the rural area and a complete ENT examination and investigation was done by the ENT specialists. A total of 950 patients were found to be suffering from the ENT ailments in the total population of thirty thousands of the district (4.31%). Out of the total of 950 patients 36.6% of patients (n = 348) had ear problems, 23.57% (n = 225) had nasal problems, while 16.58% (n = 161) of patients were suffering from the throat disorders. Among the ear patients most common diagnosis was chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) 114 and presbyacusis 83. Deviated nasal septum and sinusitis was most common diagnosis in nasal symptoms while gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) was the commonest throat problems seen in this study. Eleven patients had various benign tumors of head and neck and only one patient was found to be having oropharyngeal malignancy. The congenital head and neck lesion was seen in only four patients. In this survey 4.31% of the rural population of the district were having ENT ailments. The highest numbers rural population (35.65%) were having ear diseases. This was primarily due to low socioeconomic status and lack of awareness of the population. The nasal problem was seen in 23.57%, while throat problem was seen in 16.58%. The percentage of head neck malignancy in this survey was 0.0028.

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