
Dictionary learning has shown its effectiveness in computer vision with the concise expression form but the powerful representation. Dictionary learning represents images with a bag of visual words (BoVW), which is a collection of atoms expressively representative for images. Recently, several task-specific dictionary learning methods have been proposed and successfully applied in medical image analysis, such as de-noising, classification, segmentation, and so on, which promotes the development of computer-aided diagnosis. In this paper, first we give a survey for dictionary learning-based medical image analysis methods including: (1) three discriminative dictionary learning frameworks, (2) CT image de-noising based on dictionary learning, and (3) histopathological image classification using sparse representation. Then, a novel method named Low-rank Shared Dictionary Learning (LRSDL), is presented to achieve accurate glaucoma diagnosis on fundus images. The LRSDL generates a shared codebook for image reconstruction and a particular one to handle the difference between the healthy and glaucomatous images. Benefit from this strategy, LRSDL not only possess distinct glaucoma-related features, but also share common patterns among all the fundus images. Experimental results show that the method effectively delivers glaucoma diagnosis with the accuracy of 92.90%. This endows dictionary learning method a great potential for glaucoma diagnosis and proves the feasibility of its application to medical image analysis.

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