
The word Cloud has been a buzzword since last few years but there has been lot of confusion happening in the cloud market with respect to selection of best cloud provider at the cheapest prize and achieving the highest resource efficiency for the cloud providers. As now the entire world is moving to achieve goal of becoming SMART PLANET, the technologies like IoT -Internet of Things getting popular and unavoidable in current scenario. As usage of IoT leads to huge collection of data, it certainly requires cloud platform to store the data and perform data analytics and decision making. Recent projects like SMART CITY which involves smart traffic management system, smart waste management system, smart water system etc. would involve various cloud providers offering services & resources and various cloud users using their services. So problem of resource utilization and profit maximization becomes very critical in this scenario. This paper focuses on survey of various auction mechanisms proposed for cloud market to solve the problem of decision making, resource utilization and cost efficiency. It also reviews various decision making models based on MCDM - Multi Criteria Decision Making approach. Very few attempts been made till date to support cloud users decision making process by considering various parameters/requirements. In this paper we are proposing decision making by using models like AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) combined with Double Sided Auction to select best cloud provider in an open cloud market with heterogeneous cloud user requirements and healthy competition amongst the cloud providers. In an open cloud market where multiple cloud providers are offering various services at varied cost, it's a very difficult decision for a user to select a best cloud service provider with best cost efficiency matching with various other parameters (like reliability, speed, user experience etc‥) The providers also need to achieve best resource efficiency so that sharing/allocation of resources to various users are optimized. As there is no standard process to help user to make a decision, this paper focuses on combining Auction and AHP models together to help cloud users and providers to achieve win-win situation by achieving best resource, time, cost efficiency with heterogeneous environments and demands.

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