
The advancement of digital photography and the popularity of photo sharing social media such as Instagram and Facebook have undoubtedly stimulated growing interest in aesthetics quality improvement. One aspect of photography that contributes to high quality photos is image composition; the spatial arrangement of photo subjects in the image frame. Professional photographers often apply a wealth of photographic composition rules, e.g., rule of thirds, visual balance and simplicity to capture compelling photos. In the recent years, aesthetics-driven recomposition that attempts to computationally modify the composition of an image to mimic a professional photo has started to receive considerable research interest. Researchers have proposed numerous recomposition techniques that utilize a single or a combination of multiple image operators, i.e., cropping, warping and patch rearrangement operators, to modify the composition of an image. In this paper, we present a survey on the state-of-the-arts aesthetic-driven image recomposition. We define the image recomposition problem, outline its objectives, and provide a comprehensive review of the existing image recompositoin techniques, together with a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of each technique in achieving the recomposition objectives. This survey is intended as a good reference for researchers interested in image recomposition.

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