
Paper microfluidics is a rapidly growing subfield of microfluidics in which paper-like porous materials are used to create analytical devices that are well-suited for use in field applications. 3D printing technology has the potential to positively affect paper microfluidic device development by enabling tools and methods for the creation of devices with well-defined and tunable fluidic networks of porous matrices for high performance signal generation. This critical review focuses on the progress that has been made in using 3D printing technologies to advance the development of paper microfluidic devices. We describe printing work in three general categories: (i) solid support structures for paper microfluidic device components; (ii) channel barrier definition in existing porous materials; and (iii) porous channels for capillary flow, and discuss their value in advancing paper microfluidic device development. Finally, we discuss major areas of focus for highest impact on the next generation of paper microfluidics devices.

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