
Theoretically, the exercise of good medicine requires physicians who possess and practice virtues. There are good reasons to believe that virtue ethics would be highly appreciated by patients. To determine the importance that patients attribute to the possession virtues among physicians. Patients hospitalized in a private and a public hospital were invited to answer a three-question survey. The questions were: first, what do you expect of a good physician? Second, please evaluate, in a scale from 1 to 5, the importance of physician virtues to consider him a good doctor (fidelity to trust given by the patient, benevolence, postponement of self-interests, compassion, intellectual honesty, justice and prudence). Third, among the seven former virtues, select the three more important, and then the most important of all. Most patients responded that they valued that a good physician should have good communication skills, a cordial relationship, commitment to the patient and knowledge. All virtues studied were considered important or very important by almost all patients. The virtues considered the most important were intellectual honesty and fidelity to trust given by the patient. These results support the theoretical argument that, for patients, the practice of virtue ethics is essential for a good medical practice.


  • The exercise of good medicine requires physicians who possess and practice virtues

  • Respecto a la estimación de la importancia que tienen las virtudes en un médico, los resultados muestran que la amplia mayoría de pacientes entrevistados juzgan que ellas son muy relevantes

  • Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2008; 46 (2): 171-8

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The exercise of good medicine requires physicians who possess and practice virtues. Please evaluate, in a scale from 1 to 5, the importance of physician virtues to consider him a good doctor (fidelity to trust given by the patient, benevolence, postponement of self-interests, compassion, intellectual honesty, justice and prudence). Diversos autores contemporáneos han resaltado que la posesión y práctica de virtudes por parte del médico es de alta importancia para una buena relación médico-paciente y una medicina de excelencia[9,10,11]. Se estima que la posesión de virtudes por parte del médico es indispensable para ejercer una buena medicina[14,15,16,17,18], centrada en el bien del paciente como persona. El objetivo general de este trabajo es determinar la importancia que los pacientes atribuyen a la posesión de virtudes por parte médico. Los objetivos específicos son: establecer qué cualidades del médico afloran espontáneamente en los pacientes al preguntarles por las características de un buen médico; establecer el grado de importancia que los pacientes atribuyen a la posesión de ciertas virtudes por parte del médico y establecer el grado de importancia relativa que los pacientes atribuyen a las diferentes virtudes del médico

Pacientes y Método
Conocimiento y habilidad técnica*
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