
In this paper, a new model is proposed to assess e-government readiness at the sub-national level for Iranian organisations. The indicators of the proposed model have been derived and categorised as 'affiliated with the organisation' and "independent of the organisation". After extracting effective indicators in assessing e-government readiness, a questionnaire with 9 indicators and 110 measures was designed. For the formulation of experts' responses, a five-point Likert spectrum was used. The ultimate results show the most and least important indicators are "Organisational infrastructure" and "national infrastructure", respectively. The model indicators in order of importance are: "organisational infrastructure", "monitoring, support and coordination", "trust", "executive policy and laws", "human resources", "digital culture", "integrity", "budget" and "national infrastructure". Then the model was applied for a real case study to assess e-government readiness, For this purpose, Tarbiat Modares University was selected as a governmental organisation, and in the end, some useful recommendations are raised to help e-government readiness improvement in Tarbiat Modares University.

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