
AbstractNonlinear optical (NLO) crystals that can extend the frequency range of coherent light have significant applications in laser technology, semiconductor manufacturing, and lithography. Herein, two interesting NLO crystals, A2Pb3[H2N(CH2COO)2]3Cl5 (A = K, Rb), are rationally obtained. Their porous structures are constructed on [Pb3Cl5O6] clusters that possess large hyperpolarizability and polarizability anisotropy, and are arranged in a parallel manner. Remarkably, A2Pb3[H2N(CH2COO)2]3Cl5 (A = K, Rb) exhibits comprehensive NLO performance, including strong phase‐matching second‐harmonic generation (SHG) response, the widest bandgap among lead oxychloride NLO crystals, larger laser damage threshold than 127 MW cm−2, suitable birefringence of 0.11@1064 nm, high thermal stability, non‐deliquescence, as well as facile crystal growth. Theoretical calculations and structural analysis demonstrate that their strong SHG response is predominantly originated from the [Pb3Cl5O6] cluster. This study will provide a unique method for the discovery of new interesting NLO crystals in future.

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