
Based on survey data regarding Beijing residents' social lives in 1986, 1996, 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2020, this paper focuses on the female group, conducts statistical analysis on the leisure lifestyle and characteristics of the female group in Beijing, and explores the factors that influence women's leisure lifestyle. The main findings are that women's groups pay more attention to personal image management and that dining is not only a necessity but also has a diversified economic and cultural added value. Furthermore, the traditional male-out-dominated, female-in-dominated family model still exists in China, but it has gradually weakened. In addition, the leisure lifestyle of females is more traditional and conservative than that of males, with entertainment activities such as watching TV still occupying the main part. The female format of leisure activities is homogenous and still belongs to the low-end leisure lifestyle. Women's leisure lifestyles are influenced by their individual life cycles, social class and lifestyle characteristics, and the impact varies significantly across leisure consumption areas.

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