
The study aims to evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Instructional Program on Practice regardingSelected Home based Newborn Care among Mother under Cesarean Section. A quasi-experimental studydesign was conducted during the period of (15th January 2014 through 15th May 2014) on non-probabilityof (100) women (50) of them were a control group and (50) were the study group whom admitted tomaternity department at Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad city. A questionnaire was used as a toolof data collection Descriptive & Inferential statistical analyses were used to analyze the data. The result ofstudy indicate that highest percentages of study and control groups were in age group (20-34) years old,most of them illiterate, read and write, and primary schools graduates, housewife, from “urban area”, thecontrol and study groups accounted (62%), and (68%) at (3-4) (5-6) pregnancy. (38%) & (50%) in controland study groups respectively are registered at (3-4) deliveries, and reported none abortion at (82%) and(84%) in control and study groups respectively .Also there are highly significant differences concerning theinstructions care for their children during the postpartum period after cesarean section at the study group, aswell as extremely good effectiveness for the instructions. The study recommended that nurses should teachwomen delivered by cesarean section the principle practice regarding newborn care, also recommended onmass media to take an action to keep the mother informed about practice regarding newborn care.

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