
Interventions in the form of ward-based educational programme specifically designed enhances nursing compliance, perceive gaps in their knowledge and would welcome the opportunity to be updated regularly. Using chest tubes and chest drainage units is a complex and critical nursing function. By learning about their components and techniques needed to use them, you have protected your patient and helped him recover from a serious pulmonary problem Aim of the study: Find the effectiveness of SIM on “Nursing Management of patients, having chest tube drainage” in terms of gain in knowledge. Materials and Methods: One group pre-test post test design with an evaluative approach was adopted. The sample for the study comprised of 100 staff nurses. Random sampling technique was used to select 100 staff nurses working in District Hospital, Gwalior. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, paired ‘t’ test, Karl Pearson’s Co–efficient of Correlation and chi-square test. The Study Result: showed the pre-test knowledge assessment, the mean percentage of response was 56.37% with mean and SD of 19.73 + 4.46, which increased to 91.7% with mean and SD of 32.10 + 2.55 in the post- test. Area wise mean percentage was 58.83% in the area of mechanisms and principles involved in chest tube drainage and (54.57%) in the area of anatomy and physiology including signs and symptoms. In the post-test a significant increase in knowledge was found in all the areas. The mean percentage was (92.86%) in the area of assessment and care of patient with chest tube drainage. The overall mean percentage of knowledge scores had drastic improvement from (56.37%) in pre- test to (91.71%) in post- test, showing that the self instructional module was very effective. The area-wise effectiveness of SIM on nursing management of patients with chest tube drainage revealed that the overall mean percentage of effectiveness was (35.34%).Further effectiveness of self instructional module was tested by inferential statistics using paired ‘t’ test Conclusion: Chest tube drains are used to manage various thoracic conditions by safely removing air (pneumothorax) or liquid (hemothorax, pleural effusion) from the Pleural cavity, preventing it from being reintroduced and enabling the lungs to expand. Maintain chest tube potency to achieve adequate drainage is often a problem in the intensive care units.

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