
This study was designed so as to use a standardised, validated questionnaire developed specifically to assess Sleep knowledge among Medical education. It was also planned to assess if an educational intervention would improve knowledge related to sleep among these students. A cross sectional study was conducted on first year medical students of Govt. Medical College Patiala, just prior to the end of their first year. The Assessment of Sleep Knowledge in Medical Education (ASKME) Survey, which was designed as a standardized measure for the assessment of medical education in sleep, was administered as a pre-test and post-test, with an educational intervention in between. Among the 160 students who consented to participate in the study, the posttest mean score (73.75 ± 12.22%) was significantly higher than the pre-test mean score (41.83 ± 10.88%) [p value = 0.000]. In the pre-test, 10 students (6.25%) out of 160 were in the high score group, while in the post-test, 144 students (90%) out of 160 students were in the high score group. The present study demonstrated that first year students in Medical colleges in India have poor knowledge regarding Sleep and Sleep Disorders. This paucity of knowledge can however be rectified with timely educational interventions. We propose that Medical colleges integrate Sleep Medicine into their Medical curriculum during different years of Medical education.

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