
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis in India, affecting over 15 million adults every year. One in two adults will develop symptoms of knee OA, while one in four adults will development symptoms of hip OA by the age 85 and one in 12 people above 60 years or older have hand OA. Although OA occurs in people of all ages, osteoarthritis is most common in people older than 65. The prevalence of knee osteoarthritis is 22% - 32% in India; commonly females are more affected than males as the age progress. 5 More than half of those with arthritis are under 65 years of age. OA knee increases with age (older than 50 years), especially in women. According to a survey, anywhere from 6% to over 13% of men, but between 7% and 19% of women, resulting in a 45% less risk of incidence in men. According to Kallgren Lawrence scale, knee joints symptoms, it states that middle-aged individual feel less pain as compared to elderly age individual and knee joint examination shows inflammation, swelling, scar, shape alteration, muscle wasting present in lesser individual among middle age group as compared to elderly age group. Lastly 15% of middle age screened participants were having hypokalaemia(<6.7%mg/dl), as compared to 18% of elderly age group and 42% of middle- aged participants were having vit. D3 deficiency as compared to 45% of elderly age group participants, which shows that as the age progresses the participants of hypokalaemia increased and with the age increase, vit. D3 deficiency also increases, and which play major role in severity and complication of OA. 411 patients (<60 year = 201; >60 year = 210) were studied for osteoarthritis of knee joint symptoms, signs, investigation at Shri Shivram Nathu Ji Tak Government Satellite Hospital Mandore, AGH: Dr S N Medical Collage, Jodhpur (Raj.) during January 2019 to October 2019. Osteoarthritis is more prevalent in females (58%). Osteoarthritis is more common in active physical worker, especially in females due to their job profile like prolong standing and squatting (for doing household moping etc).Vitamin D3 level and deficiency not significantly similar in both groups due to the regular supplementation. Left knee of both age group was found more common, we cannot find any explanation for this, further studies to be done upon this

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