
One in three adults has raised blood pressure worldwide, a condition that causes around half of all deaths from stroke and heart disease and it’s a growing public health problem. Studies show that for every known person with hypertension there are two persons with either undiagnosed hypertension or pre hypertension.Research design: one group pre test post test design, sample: Male Sample Size: 236. The total number of study participants was 236 and their mean age was 53.7 ± 12.4 years. Around two-third (66.5%) were females. Majority (81.8%) of them were married. Only 18.6% were graduates & above. More than half of them (57.2%) were housewives and only 18.2% were having regular income. Around 47.9% were in high socio economic status (SES) and only 16.9% were in low SES. Majority (90.3%) of them were non-vegetarians.In this study, the results had showed that the prevalence of hypertension had significantly increased with time and is very high (52.1%) in the urban adult population of Puducherry in South India.

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