
Population means the whole number of people, or inhabitant, in a country, or portion of country population explosion mean very rapid and unprecedented growth of population which create lots of problems in the country. The research design adopted was pre experimental one group pre-test post design. The conceptual framework based on modified Ludwing Von Bertanalyffys General system model. The study has been conducted in selected school, wankaner Non Probability convenient sampling technique has been adopted to select the desired sample. The sample size was 60. As an intervention of 20 minute of sterilisation was administered to group. The data was collected through structured knowledge questionnaire level of knowledge assess among pre-adolescent girl. The collected data were analysed by using both descriptive and inferential statistical method. ”t” test was used for assessing the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge among pre-adolescent girl. The obtained “t” value was 10.72 which was significant at 0.05. level. The finding of the study was revealed that structured teaching programme helps in increasing the level of knowledge Among all the demographic variable only education of mother and father, occupation of mother and father and sources of information was significant at 0.05level.

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