
Background: Active Management of Third Stage of Labour consists of interventions designed to speed the delivery of the placenta by increasing uterine contractions and prevent post-partum hemorrhage by an averting uterine atony. The Objective: objective of the study was to assess the Knowledge and Practice among Nurses on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour in selected hospitals of Kamrup (M), Assam. Methods: The study was conducted using Descriptive Survey design in Gauhati Medical College Hospital and Maternity & Child Welfare Hospital under Kamrup (M), Assam with a total of 82 Nurses by convenience sampling technique. Self - administered structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and practice on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour. Data was analysed by using the software package named SPSS 20 Version. The nding of the study revealed that only 15.8% of the total Nurses have ade Result: quate level of knowledge 17.1% have good practice on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour. Karl Pearson's correlation coefcient was found to be r=0.565** .Thus there is highly signicant positive correlation between the two variables i.e. Knowledge and Practice of Nurses on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour. There was a signicant association between Knowledge on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour with their Professional Qualication and Exposure to any information on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour .The association of Practice was found signicant with their Years of Working Experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department and Exposure to any information on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour. Conclusion: Knowledge and Practice among Nurses on Active Management of Third stage of Labour in the selected hospitals was low

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