
Background: Iodine is an essential element for thyroid function, necessary for the normal growth, development and functioning of the brain and body. In India, about 200 million people are already affected with IDD. In India, about 200 million people live at risk of IDD, whereas more than 71 million people are suffering from goiter and other IDDs. Aims and objectives: 1) To estimate the prevalence of goiter in Lucknow district. 2) To study the level of urinary iodine excretion of the study population. 3) To study the salt consumption pattern in Lucknow district. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out amongst School children in the age group of 6 to 12 years in urban and rural areas of Lucknow district over a period of one year. A sample size of 400 was estimated. A pre structured & pre tested questionnaire was used to interview. Data was Tabulated on Microsoft excel and, analysis was carried out using Chi square test & other necessary statistical test as appropriate, using software SPSS 17.0 version. Results: A total No. of 400 children were studied. In urban areas 54% were males and 46% were females. Mean age of children were found to be 9.22 years with standard deviation of 2.28. By history, majority (79.8%) of the families were using iodized salt and only 20.3% were using non-iodized salt. Over all prevalence of goiter was 12.7%. Prevalence of goiter was more in rural areas (18%) than in urban areas (7.5%). Prevalence of goiter was more among females (19.9%) than in males (6.8%). Conclusions: To conclude, findings of the present study demonstrates that prevalence of goitre was high (12.7%) among children in Lucknow district and therefore it constitutes a public health problem in this region. Strict implementation of salt iodization and marketing in hard to reach areas is recommended as a measure to control the situation.

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