
The descriptive study to assess the impact of pandemic restrictions on psychosocial well-being among school going children and find the association between selected socio-demographic variables and impact of pandemic restrictions on psychosocial well-being among school going children. Methodology: The study was conducted among 100 school going children in pediatric ward and outpatient department of JMMC & RI, Thrissur. The research design used was descriptive design and sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collected through questionnaires. Tool was divided in to two sections, section A – sociodemographic and clinical data questionnaire and section B- Modified Multi-dimensional student life satisfaction scale. Result: It shows that 1. Socio-demographic data: Out of the 100 samples Majority of 53(53%) children belongs to the age group of 10-12 years, 60(60%) were males, 41(41%) belongs to Muslim community, Half of them are studying in Vth standard, 57(57%) are studying in state syllabus. Majority of fathers, 49(49%) belongs to the age group of 31-40 years, 27(27%) have educational status of both primary and secondary education, 96(96%) are working. Majority of mothers, 61(61%) belongs to the age group of 31-40 years, 33(33%) have educational status of degree, 75(75%) are not working. Majority of family income, 52(52%) are having the income between 15,000-25, 000 rupees. Majority of their family's, 76(76%) belongs to nuclear family, 55(55%) have the presence of grandparents, 63(63%) has no COVID-19 history, 57(57%) has knowledge about COVID-19 and 95(95%) has no significant history of mental/social illness. The overall distribution of samples showed 55(55%) has moderate psychosocial well-beings, 45(45%) has high psychosocial well-being and 0(0%) has low psychosocial well-being. There is significant association (p<0.05) between socio demographic variable sex (χ2= 5.093, p <0.023) with psychosocial Well-being of school going children. As out of the 100 samples there were 574 (14.35%) has given the response as ‘Never’, 357(8.92%) has given the response as ‘Sometimes’, 595(14.88%) has given the response ‘Often’, 2474(61.85%) has given the response as ‘Almost often’ to the questionnaire given in the modified multidimensional students life satisfaction scale. From the scoring, we found that 55(55%) has moderate psychosocial well-being and 45(45%) has high psychosocial well-being. Moreover, we found that there is no evidence of low psychosocial Well-being among school going children during the pandemic restriction time period. As compared to the male children, female children have high psychosocial well-being.

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